Wet Bulb Temperature: A Crucial Measure of Heat Stress

Picture of Lalit Bhatt
Lalit Bhatt

Advisor, Nuro Technologies

As the world continues to experience the effects of climate change, understanding and monitoring weather conditions becomes increasingly important. One such measure that plays a crucial role in assessing heat stress and potential health risks is the wet bulb temperature. While it may sound unfamiliar to some, this meteorological parameter provides valuable insights into the impact of heat and humidity on human comfort, productivity, and overall well-being. In this blog, we will delve into the concept of wet bulb temperature, its significance, and the implications it holds for individuals and society. You can use the following calculator to measure Wet Bulb Temperature. 

Wet bulb temperature
Wet bulb temperature

What is Wet Bulb Temperature?

The wet bulb temperature is a meteorological term used to describe the lowest temperature that can be achieved by evaporating water into the air. It is measured using a thermometer with a wetted wick or cloth over the bulb. As the water evaporates from the wet surface, it cools the bulb, and the temperature recorded is known as the wet bulb temperature.

Significance of Wet Bulb Temperature:

  1. Heat Stress Assessment: Wet bulb temperature is a crucial parameter in assessing heat stress. It takes into account both temperature and humidity, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the thermal conditions. High wet bulb temperatures indicate increased heat and humidity, which can have serious implications for human health, particularly in hot and humid climates.
  1. Health Risks: Monitoring wet bulb temperature is essential for predicting the risk of heat-related illnesses, such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke. When the wet bulb temperature exceeds a certain threshold, typically around 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit), the body’s ability to cool itself through sweating diminishes, leading to a higher risk of heat-related ailments.
  2. Occupational Safety: Many industries, such as construction, agriculture, and manufacturing, expose workers to outdoor environments where heat stress is a concern. By considering the wet bulb temperature, employers can implement appropriate preventive measures, such as providing sufficient breaks, hydration, and adequate ventilation, to ensure worker safety and productivity.
  3. Climate Change Impact: With climate change exacerbating extreme weather events, understanding the wet bulb temperature becomes crucial in assessing the potential impact on vulnerable populations. Rising wet bulb temperatures can make certain regions uninhabitable and affect agricultural productivity, leading to significant socioeconomic consequences.

Implications and Applications:

  1. Public Health Interventions: Public health agencies and authorities can utilize wet bulb temperature data to develop heat emergency plans and issue appropriate advisories to protect vulnerable populations during heatwaves. By integrating wet bulb temperature forecasts into heat stress warning systems, authorities can enhance preparedness and response strategies.
  2. Urban Planning and Infrastructure Design: Architects, urban planners, and engineers can incorporate wet bulb temperature considerations into the design of cities and buildings to create more climate-resilient environments. Strategies like green spaces, reflective surfaces, and proper ventilation can help mitigate heat stress in urban areas.
  3. Climate Research and Modeling: Climate scientists and researchers rely on wet bulb temperature data to refine climate models and projections. By studying historical trends and future scenarios, scientists can better understand the complex interplay between temperature, humidity, and climate change, leading to more accurate predictions.


As the frequency and intensity of heatwaves increase worldwide, understanding and monitoring the wet bulb temperature becomes essential for protecting public health, ensuring occupational safety, and mitigating the impact of climate change. By considering the combined effects of temperature and humidity, the wet bulb temperature provides valuable insights into heat stress and helps guide policy decisions, infrastructure planning, and public health interventions. By prioritizing the monitoring and analysis of wet bulb temperature, we can build a more resilient and adaptable society in the face of a changing climate.

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