Smart Switches In 2023

Lalit Bhatt Advisor Nuro Technologies
Lalit Mohan Chandra Bhatt

Advisor, Nuro Technologies

2022 will be remembered as an interesting year in history. With the pandemic hopefully behind us, the world can look forward to returning to a more normal way of life. While there are still challenges to overcome, such as worsening climate conditions, there is hope that newer technologies will help us find sustainable solutions. 2022 will also be remembered for the significant advancements made in artificial intelligence (AI). While AI is still far from perfect, chatGPT is showing the potential of large scale language models and how they can be applied in everyday life. 2023 has the perfect opportunity to build on those advancements and breakthroughs. 

Smart switches need to evolve beyond control. With ubiquitously present at every nook and corner of house smart switch should be able to monitor and create a living experience transparently in the background
Smart switches should go beyond control

AI is becoming mainstream and will have an impact on every aspect of life, human or non-human. Automation has previously been driven by the need for speed and processing power, but chatGPT has democratized the use of large scale language models, opening up multiple exponential paths for AI applications.

Home automation has been a desired goal for homeowners for the past two decades, with various solutions available on the market. However, these have typically been limited to remote control through mobile apps or voice commands. AI has the potential to take home automation to the next level by understanding the living patterns of a home and adjusting to provide a touchless and voiceless system. With a rich sensor network and the ability to sense parameters such as air quality, CO2 levels, and humidity, AI can provide practical analytics for health, security, fire hazard prevention, and senior care.

Technology is only as good as the humans using it, and applications like chatGPT demonstrate the potential for leveraging AI further. Similarly, AI-driven smart switches have the potential to enhance the living experience.

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